my brother and I are so happy to have stumbled across this web blog, it's exactly the thing my friends and I have been hoping for. The information on the site is truely appreciated and will assist my family and friends a couple times a week. It appears as if everyone gained a significant amount of details concerning subjects on the site and the other links and information like wise show it. I'm not usually on the internet most of the time but when I have some time I am always scouring for this sort of knowledge or others closely related to it. I have one of my cohorts that have developed an interest in this because of what I have discovered about it and they're probably going to be visiting this blog since it is such an excellent discovery. I am also interested in politics and how to deal with the new changes in world politics. When you get a chance, take a look at my site. <a href=>head shot photographer in seattle</a>
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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1993р. – закінчила Харківський державний університет за спеціальністю «Економічна теорія, економіст-соціолог, викладач економічних дисциплін».
1995 – асистент кафедри економічної кібернетики.(ХІРЕ)
2000 – старший викладач кафедри економічної кібернетики.
2003 – доцент кафедри економічної кібернетики.
2010 – закінчила
Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки за спеціальністю «Програмне забезпечення автоматизованих систем» ,інженер-програміст
2015 – старший викладач кафедри економічної кібернетики та управління економічною безпекою Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки
1960 р. Закінчив Харківський політехнічний інститут (ХПІ) за фахом конструювання й технологія виробництва радіоапаратури.
1960 – 1971 рр. Працював молодшим науковим співробітником, ст. інженером – керівником групи, головним інженером відділу Інституту радіофізики й електроніки (ІРЕ) АН УРСР.
1962 – 1971 рр. На умовах погодинної оплати й сумісництва працював зі радіотехнічнім факультетом Харківського авіаційного інституту (ХАІ).
1971 р. Рішенням Ради ХПІ присуджений ступінь кандидата технічних наук.
1971 – 1974 рр. Працював ст. викладачем, доцентом ХАІ.
1974 р. Рішенням ВАК СРСР затверджений в ученому званні доцента по кафедрі конструювання й виробництва радіоапаратури.
1974 – 1980 рр. Працював зав. відділом, заст. начальника по ОКР Спеціального конструкторсько-технологічного бюро (СКТБ) ІРЕ АН УРСР.
З 1980 р. по теперішній час працює зав. відділом обробки радіосигналів ІРЕ ім. О.Я. Усикова НАН України.
З 1997 р. по теперішній час працює за сумісництвом на посадах професора на кафедрах Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (ХНУРЕ).
1993 р. Рішенням спеціалізованої Вченої ради ХАІ присуджений ступінь доктора технічних наук.
2000 р. Рішенням Вченої ради державного технічного університету радіоелектроніки присвоєно вчене звання професора університету по кафедрі радіоелектронних систем.
2007 р. Рішенням Атестаційної колегії Міністерства освіти й науки України присвоєно вчене звання професора кафедри радіоелектронних систем.
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2021年10月05日 14:44
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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2021年10月05日 10:48
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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2021年10月05日 02:57
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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2021年10月04日 23:17
Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking.
2021年10月04日 22:54
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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2021年10月04日 18:48
It is important for any musician not only to write a track or album, but also to monetize it as profitably as possible. Make money on your creativity.
And streaming platforms play a big role in the sale of music. After all, almost every audition is paid.
Many musicians receive thousands of dollars from streaming every month. It remains to choose the right distributor who will quickly place the musician's track on the maximum number of sites.
We recommend the service This service is free for the musician, there is no need to pay anything in advance. It is enough to register, upload a track, cover art and track data.
Music distribution service New Music will quickly place tracks on over 100 sites.
The musician, in his personal account, will be able to observe the statistics on auditions. In which countries, in what quantity and in what streaming service they listened to his work. And at the beginning of the reporting period, the musician receives detailed statistics and the due fee. The artist reserves all rights. The fee (money) can be withdrawn to a bank card or to an account.
Making a piece of music is one thing. Placement on platforms is the second. And to tell music lovers about the artist's work, to advertise and become a popular performer is another thing. And sometimes it's harder than writing a hit.
Every day 60-100 thousand music tracks appear in the world. To stand out from this amount of music, to be heard is almost the main task that a musician faces.
Service managers listen to the downloaded musicians' tracks. High-quality pieces of music are sent to radio stations, playlist curators, and news reviews of new products. And all this is free for the artist.
The main requirement for a musician is to create high-quality content (music tracks) and post it through the New Music service. If you want to strengthen the advertising campaign, the managers of will advise, tell and help.
Another advantageous advantage of is free licensing and free placement (distribution) of covers. Covering popular songs is a very good start or rebirth for a musician. Performing covers give a powerful impetus to the recognition and popularization of the musician's creativity. After all, the original song is already popular ...
Record covers, post on streaming platforms through to get maximum monetization (profit) and recognition. And all the red tape associated with the legal registration of covers, payments of royalties, etc., managers of New Music will take over.
The only thing left for the musician is to create and get the most out of the works he has created.
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1993р. – закінчила Харківський державний університет за спеціальністю «Економічна теорія, економіст-соціолог, викладач економічних дисциплін».
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1960 р. Закінчив Харківський політехнічний інститут (ХПІ) за фахом конструювання й технологія виробництва радіоапаратури.
1960 – 1971 рр. Працював молодшим науковим співробітником, ст. інженером – керівником групи, головним інженером відділу Інституту радіофізики й електроніки (ІРЕ) АН УРСР.
1962 – 1971 рр. На умовах погодинної оплати й сумісництва працював зі радіотехнічнім факультетом Харківського авіаційного інституту (ХАІ).
1971 р. Рішенням Ради ХПІ присуджений ступінь кандидата технічних наук.
1971 – 1974 рр. Працював ст. викладачем, доцентом ХАІ.
1974 р. Рішенням ВАК СРСР затверджений в ученому званні доцента по кафедрі конструювання й виробництва радіоапаратури.
1974 – 1980 рр. Працював зав. відділом, заст. начальника по ОКР Спеціального конструкторсько-технологічного бюро (СКТБ) ІРЕ АН УРСР.
З 1980 р. по теперішній час працює зав. відділом обробки радіосигналів ІРЕ ім. О.Я. Усикова НАН України.
З 1997 р. по теперішній час працює за сумісництвом на посадах професора на кафедрах Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (ХНУРЕ).
1993 р. Рішенням спеціалізованої Вченої ради ХАІ присуджений ступінь доктора технічних наук.
2000 р. Рішенням Вченої ради державного технічного університету радіоелектроніки присвоєно вчене звання професора університету по кафедрі радіоелектронних систем.
2007 р. Рішенням Атестаційної колегії Міністерства освіти й науки України присвоєно вчене звання професора кафедри радіоелектронних систем.
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